Mill Creek Today
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Comments and Discussions Preview

These comments originated in the weblog, the forums and elsewhere. Links will take you to the respective sources.
rees - Jul 30, 2018, 12:46 AM
Found some great choices at the market. New kinds of veggies and good quality,...
rees - Jul 30, 2018, 12:44 AM
The MC Farmers Market is new for 2018. [LINK]
rees - Jun 09, 2018, 11:54 AM
Seems pretty clear the city should demand that the owner repair or replace the...
rees - Oct 03, 2016, 12:46 PM
Cannot help noticing growth everywhere but King & Snohomish. A charitable...
franka - Apr 11, 2008, 4:57 PM
What's the $0.87 for? This waste and abuse must stop! :-)

Recent Member Updates

Rees Clark 14-Sep-2020
Map shows smoke from all western fires flowing through WA and out to sea. Hook shape shows smoke swirling around low pressure system that could bring relief as it moves eastward. Dots show air quality; green is good.

Rees Clark 09-Mar-2020
Stay informed about COVID-19 with the latest from SnohCo Health District.
Rees Clark 23-Dec-2019
Including images in your updates is now easier. Click the Pix/Links button in the update form. Images may be edited to conserve space.

Rees Clark 10-Sep-2017
Smoke seems to be gone. Now we just need a good fall rain to restart the engine.
Rees Clark 14-Dec-2016
Wow! Good thing we elected Trump. We wouldn't want the unemployment rate to keep improving.
Rees Clark 24-Apr-2014
Check out Sequential Biodiesel, which collects used cooking oil from restaurants nationwide for conversion to clean-burning biodiesel.
Rees Clark 24-Apr-2014
Neighborhood HOAs: Create a homeowners association on line and announce meetings, events and publish other community news. Select an editor and submit longer articles directly for publication.
Rees Clark 24-Apr-2014
The MCT home page is under revision.
Rees Clark 23-Mar-2014
Spring has sprung! It's beautiful out. So why am I sitting here telling you about it when I could be outside living it?
Frank Alexander 17-Apr-2009
Just activated member networking for MCT.