Mill Creek Today
Momentum: Community News and Commentary
Pain for citizens? Who cares? Not the Tea Party
Here I sit wondering whether my surgery scheduled for Monday and Tuesday will be paid for by Medicare. Asked all involved.

Answer: No one knows, not providers, not Medicare, not my Congressman, no one. Certainly not tea-partiers, who don't care a whit for ordinary people.

Supposedly those fools got elected regarding concerns over money. Surprise! They're wolves in sheep's clothing wanting the same right-wing crapola that would have been perfectly acceptable to the old John Birchers.

Planned Parenthood funding is a ruse. It has nothing to do with saving money. It has nothing to do with abortions, which are already prohibited as a use of government funds. It's about getting know-nothings in charge of the government; to be precise, white, male, Christian know-nothings who watched TV westerns as boys and are longing for the 19th Century or at best Leave it to Beaver.

Graphic shows a Tea Party vanguard bearing their traditional symbol. Are you thrilled or horrified?


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